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Electronic transformer-電子變壓器-223-20181022

Electronic transformer-電子變壓器-223-20181022
















   Plane transformer marking, chip type transformer marking, film transformer marking, hollow transformer marking;   

   Laser marking of planar transformer, laser marking of chip transformer, laser marking of thin film transformer, laser marking of hollow transformer;

   Transformer marking, electronic transformer marking, high frequency electronic transformer marking;

   Transformer laser marking, electronic transformer laser marking, high frequency electronic transformer laser marking;

   Transformer core laser marking, electronic transformer core laser marking, high frequency electronic transformer core laser marking;

   Transformer core marking, electronic transformer core marking, high frequency electronic transformer core marking;

   Power frequency transformer laser marking, medium frequency transformer laser marking, audio transformer laser marking;

    Ultra-audio variable voltage laser marking, high-frequency transformer laser marking;

   Power transformer laser marking, pulse transformer laser marking, audio transformer laser marking, voltage regulator transformer laser marking;

Electronic transformer

    In order to adapt to the increasingly light and thin electronic devices, a major development direction of high-frequency electronic transformers is to develop from three-dimensional structures to planar structures, chip structures and thin-film structures, thus forming new high-frequency electronic transformers from generation to generation: planar transformers, Chip transformer, thin film transformer. The development of the overall structure of high-frequency electronic transformers not only forms a new core structure and coil structure, but also adopts new materials, and brings new development directions in terms of design and production process. In terms of design, in addition to studying the electromagnetic field distribution of various new structures, how to achieve the optimal optimization design, we must also study the various problems of the multilayer structure. In the production process, various new processing methods are to be studied to ensure the consistency of performance and the mechanization and automation of the processing technology.

   The magnetic core is the most critical component in high-frequency electronic transformers that use soft magnetic materials and operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The main development direction of magnetic core materials is to reduce losses, widen the temperature range used and reduce costs. The main development direction of the core structure is how to form a planar core, a chip core and a thin film core with the best shape and size (parameters for electromagnetic performance, heat dissipation, amount and cost).

   According to the development requirements of the overall structure of high-frequency electronic transformers, the development direction of the magnetic core structure is a planar magnetic core, a chip core and a thin film magnetic core. Previously, the planar magnetic core was modified with the original soft ferrite core. Now there are various low-profile soft ferrite cores specifically for planar transformers.

   Key technical points:

    Laser marking of electronic transformers, KingmilanLaser developed a special laser marking printer for magnetic cores and yellow tapes of electronic transformers in the electronics industry. It adopts the most advanced cold light source laser technology in the world, especially can be magnetic core, packaging yellow tape. Such as the absorption of various materials, can be widely used in the electronic transformer industry, PCB industry. It has basically no damage on the surface, clear marking, long service life of more than 5 years, basically no maintenance and no consumables. Compared with the traditional ink jet printer, the identified products are clear and intuitive, and have better product quality, and it is not easy to remove the solvent solvent to meet the permanent requirements. Compared with other laser marking, it has zero surface damage, clearer marking and longer service life of 1-2 times.

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 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

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 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

 平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;  平面變壓器激光打標、片式變壓器激光打標、薄膜變壓器激光打標、空心變壓器激光打標;

3、也可以進入Kingmilan Laser官方YouTube進行觀看,https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNbpZhLIdAvvj9N0AtqpTvQ?view_as=subscriber;請訂閱Kingmilan Laser 官方YouTube,里面有更多培訓及應用視頻。



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3. You can also watch it on the official YouTube of Kingmilan Laser,https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNbpZhLIdAvvj9N0AtqpTvQ?view_as=subscriber Please subscribe to official YouTube of Kingmilan Laser for more training application videos

4. Any suggestion, please contact Sales@4008874458.com,sa-assistant07@4008874458.com,,WhatsApp/Tel:+86-13390833831,13338036880,we are very grateful;

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